Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So...i know everyone loves Pandora...but I feel like their playlists are rather limited or in consistent. I think it works best when you're trying to find other songs with the same vibe by punching in the name of a song title. Otherwise if u type in an artist, for example Timbaland in my case, they sometimes sneakily play the same songs over and over again...

I think Last.fm does a better job when u're trying to find new artists, since they'll rate other artists on a scale of similarity (very similarity, high similarity...etc). Instead of pressing the next track button to find similar artists, it's results on a search page. In general, when you use last fm, u just simply add artists of your choice into your library, and when u want to listen to songs, they'll just do a shuffle of all the songs available. When you listen to the radio station with your own library, they'll list similar artists on the side. There is also a recommendations station for artists that maybe of your taste based on your library.

Apparently, they also have an iPhone app for those of you who actually pay $100+ a month for the services. I don't, so I haven't figured out how it works yet.

Either way last.fm is worth checking out.

PS. my entry might just be a tad bit jumbled and in complete in thought...since i'm just discovering this wonderful site.