Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Britney VMAs performance

Nicole, i can't help it but i have to post about her!

(the mtv video wont work for some reason..oh btw check on wat sarah silverman says abt britney..it should be the clip after the disastrous performance when u click the 'mtv video' )


Britney....hmm...what can i say...well for starters, she's a mess...and really needs a stylist DESPERATELY. Second, she's very good at making controversial VMAs performances. If you haven't watched already, she was the opening act of the VMAs 2007 of last night. I give her credit for landing herself such an awesome performance slot in the VMAs, esp since the recent series of events/gossip about her. I applause her for getting off her drunk ass and finally doing smthg about her career going down the drain. Unfortunately, her comeback performance was one of the most horrifying...okay fine, not so dramatic....most disastrous then..thing i've ever seen her done....well i guess this weekend. HAHA...but yea...seriously, i mean people have been hyped about her comeback for awhile now and the fact that she started out like that...is not a very good omen. Yes, you could say that i have quite a thing against her, but you know what before i watched this performance i was really hoping that she would blow me away and prove me wrong. Did you see that confuse face of 50 Cent?

So what was really the problem with the perfomance? Firstly, please, dont show off your bod with sparkly bra and panties if you no longer have the body. I don't have a problem with ppl having a less than ideal body...but please dont wear clothes flaunting it like it's HOT when it's NOT. Second, she really needs a new choreographer...her moves are the same as like 5 years ago...unless it was really her fault that she didn't rehearse. She kinda tripped over herself a few times. All she did across the stage for those 4 minutes...was strut back and forth and flip her hair. Stop being a ditz. On top of that, if you're gonna lip sync, learn to do it properly. She started lipsyncing fine...and then i think she just forgot she was spose to be "singing" and she just stopped like she lost the ability to speak or smth. so wat else...oh yea...it seemed like she either couldn't walk in her heels or she was having trouble walking. period. i really felt sorry for her dancer that she got to step on to get off the stage though. the best thing about her performance was her dancer. they outshone her. it musta been the juxtaposition of her naked body next to these clothed human beings that just made her flabby stomach stick out more (not that there's anything wrong wit flabby stomachs if you clothed them). yea i guess the issue with the costume is that she shoulda just put some clothes on. she woulda been more respectable that way. Apart from that the song is really catchy. So here it is Gimme More.

*PS: i guess the stripper poles were pretty hot too.

1 comment:

Hi Ding! said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAhAHHAahhAhAhAhAhHAHAHA....ahahahahhahaaahaha..a.aeheheheeheheh oh man...