Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Music Mash-Ups

Today's topic in lieu of exams: Music mash-ups. They are all over the internet. All those budding DJs with way too much access to pretty electronics and audio programs seem to find it necessary to showcase their skillz by plugging several songs together. But if you look hard enough, there's a couple of gems in there. I'm pretty sure everyone here reading this has heard Usher's "Yeah" vs. Britney Spears' "Toxic" and most of the ones from Jay-Z & Linkin Park's album. How about some of these other ones?

Interpol vs. M.I.A. - Mammoth Boys
The reason I've been inspired for this rec. I think the best attribute of music mash-ups is that they make songs good. I'm not really partial to any of M.I.A.'s music (Have you heard of her? Her story is pretty cool. Sri Lankan-British rapper who's father is a Tamil activist-militant), but this song is very get up and go and totally awesome. Give it a listen. Actually, give it two. The first time I heard it, I was like "eh?". It's a little weird. But now I play it every other song. I just might get sick of it soon, I've played it so much.

The Arcade Fire vs. Black Eyed Peas - Hump My Tunnel
Okay, I have to admit. It's partially because the title cracks me up. I absolutely HATE "My Humps". Totally and utterly. I swore everytime it came on the radio --- it's like "Hey There Delilah". I have absolutely no clue in hell why it's so popular. But this version? It almost makes up for it (my hate is pretty strong). The Arcade Fire is amazing like that.

Jay-Z & The Verve - Dirt Off Your Shoulder (Bittersweet Symphony Remix)
Someone somewhere had too much time on their hands and realized that "Bittersweet Symphony"and "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" have exactly the same beat. Not that I'm complaining. It totally rocks. I mean, who doesn't love "Bittersweet Symphony"? I totally faked out my roommate the other day when I played this song because she was singing along to the Verve part, only to be completely confounded when Jay-Z started rapping.

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