Wednesday, August 15, 2007

An apology that is... not really an apology?

So if you follow mainstream music you'll probably know about Akon's new song Sorry, Blame It On Me. It's a good move on his part, putting out a song where he can give some sort of apology to anyone he's offended.

I've liked a lot of Akon's songs and I do like this one too, but I really do have some gripes about it. In a way you can say it's his song to apologize to everyone about all the recent events that have happened (dry humping a 14 year old and throwing a fan at a concert to name the ones I know the best). Although these events might not have been entirely his fault, he definitely has some part in them. If you follow the lyrics it seems more and more like he's trying to make himself look like a saint:

"I'm sorry for the hand that she was dealt
And for the embarrassment that she felt
She's just a little young girl trying to have fun
But daddy should of never let her out that young"

I definitely agree if the club is supposed to have an age limit that someone underage shouldn't be there. Then again he was holding a "contest with a trip to Africa". It ends up the prize is really just dry-humping his fan, which is quite extreme and crude. Given that the club should have people at an age where it wouldn't be completely unacceptable, I think Akon should have at the very least stated his true intentions. A perfectly innocent woman who got caught up in the whole "trip to Africa" thing could've really been hurt. It also ends up the 14 year old girl who "won" had family who were public figures. ( Her brother is the president of the Trinidad and Tobago Crime Watch)

I don't feel like citing more examples, but I just feel this song is trying to sanctify Akon a little too much. Nevertheless, I still like this song and will continue to listen to Akon.

Akon - Sorry, Blame it On Me


Hi Ding! said...

dude have you seen the actual dry-humping video on youtube? It's pretty bad.. someone walked right past me while i was watching it today at work. shit.

mkg said...

yeah i have, and you're right. i might've given akon a bit too much credit for that.

dahippo said...

ugh dry humping. gross.

although i got to say that i'm not too concerned about the throwing the fan. hecklers deserve to be embaressed. unless the dude really sucks.

dahippo said...

heyyy akon can actually speak without an accent. never knew that.

Feinberg said...

The "throwing the fan" thing was all a publicity stunt. Lame.