Wednesday, August 15, 2007

English Invasion Part I

lol...i was trying to think of some corny name for the title to summarize what it's about. i'm sure if you're into the contemporary music scene, you'll notice that recently there's been a sudden appearances of female singers from the UK. Two of the most well known UK female artists rite now is Lily Allen and Amy Winehouse. If you don't know either than shame on you. But then again i guess if you're of the male gender, you're somewhat dismissed. After all, i guess they're somewhat accepted artists that go under the genre of 'girl music'.

Lily Allen's songs are characterize by a sort of quirky girl power. I like to think of her as a more appealing version of Lady Sovereign, more pop and more feminine. Take 'Smile' for example, it's basically about taking pleasure in watching an ex bf fall in despair as she secretly destroys his utmost prized possessions (well that's the video anyways)! The song lyrics is more about how she smiles when she sees him sad. lol...well either way it's a lil cheeky and devilish. I love it ( it used to be my ringtone until i dropped my phone in the sad)! It's really catchy. She has a few pretty humorous songs, like 'Alfie' (about lil bro smoking weed..well not only that...but that's one of the lines of the lyrics =p) and 'Nan, You're a Window Shopper' (about Nan ENGLISH>'s strange habits). They're fun songs. Then there's another one of my favs called 'Littlest Things', a slower and more serious song. Reminiscing about an old relationship. It's really catchy too..heh. Give her a try if u havn't already, she's cute style-wise and vocally too!

Okay here's a tran
sition for you...Lily Allen is related to Amy Winehouse through Mark Ronson! They've both done tracks with him...and Lily Allen was seen photographed with Samantha Ronson recently when she was in the 90210. And both Lily and Amy have recently cancelled shows/concerts...well for v. diff reasons...both health reasons though...anyways...

So Amy Winehouse...hmm, she fits under the category of blues/jazz. A lot of songs are about her previous disastrous relationship and hints at her alcoholism. She recently went into rehab with her hubby...and she had a heroin overdose a week ago? smth like that. So apart from 'Valerie' off Mark Ronson's cd (which i posted on the Mark Ronson entry), 'Love is a Losing Game' is another one of my fav. There's 'Rehab' and 'Back to Black', those are her most well known tracks but i'll let u find those yrself. She's quite a character, her entire image is pretty intriguing. Did you kno that she's jewish too? Anyways give that track a listen!

More UK female artists coming up!


Hi Ding! said...

HAHA i love the way Lily Allen says the F word in "Smile" in such a nice pretty voice.

dahippo said...

she says fuck in 'smile'??? why did i never notice that.

dahippo said...

ohhhhhhhh. i just looked up the lyrics, and it turns out i DID realize she said fucking, but i completely glossed over it. i think this says something about my own swearing. oops.