Monday, January 14, 2008


SO Incubus AND Nine Inch Nails are gonna be in Bei-fucking-Jing this Spring which is just fantastic. But instead of being a negative nancy and moping, i've been checking out who's gonna be coming to DC this semester and RADIOHEAD is coming to DC! WoohOO

Here's a live recording they did with steady cams taped to bicycle helmets that they wore on their heads. Radiohead recently released a physical copy of their previously digitally released album In Rainbows and it's at the top of the charts (for now). I downloaded their B-side for the album and i'm working through that right now, it's pretty good and a couple tracks are really trippy.

I've been relistening to a lot of their stuff and oh em gee. it's like you go out and listen to a bunch of other music cuz you want to find somethign new, but then you forget how ridiculously sweet the music you have already is. I got this song stuck in my head, it's got this really cool drum/bass line and some really trippy lyrics about getting lost in forests and sinking ships and shit.

On a seperate note my Spring Break is March 17-22! anyone else have the same one?


dahippo said...

mine's from march 10-14. so no dice.

Hannah said...

Haha this video is amazing