Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Best Music Video of All Time. Ever. Period.

I love watching music videos. Official ones, fan ones, even AMVs can be interesting sometimes. Music videos can just bring so much more out of a song (aka Gorillaz) or can totally ruin it (aka EVERY INCUBUS MV except this one).

Recently an online music and film magazine by the name of Stylus posted their "Top 100 Music Videos of All Time". Personally I find the idea of ranked music videos about as stupid as ranked music... BUT i just had to see what they were ranting on about. Naturally I cut through all the crap and went straight for what THEY deemed the best music video of all time.

Rabbit In Your Headlights - Thom Yorke

"It's almost impossible to say what it means, but it's equally hard to find someone who can watch it, really watch it, and remain unmoved."
HM. I dunno man, I'll definately say it's better than your cliched meaningless average rock music video that attempts to be deep but fails miserably to be engaging on any level... But the best of all time? I think one of the problems stems from the fact that the song itself isn't particularly amazing (especially for Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke) coupled with a message that's just a bit TOO cryptic. Anyways make sure you watch till the end cuz that's the "interesting part". It's a lot better if you watch it as a "short film" instead of a "music video".

I guess this is as good a time as ever to share some my favorite MV's, so in no particular order:

Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz
Everyone's seen this one before so I won't bother to explain why this music video is so great

Hurt (cover) - Johnny Cash
Originally Johnny Cash didn't want to do a cover of a Nine Inch Nails song, stating that NIN wasn't "his style"... imagine that... Anyways it's good that he did cover this song. It's often lauded as one of the greatest music videos ever created, and I can see why.

1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins
If you listen to alternative rock music, this song should sound familiar. It's often considered the best song that one of the most influential bands of the 90's ever wrote. It's about how great it is to be a kid and how carefree life is. It definately has a nostalgic feel to it... Makes me wish I spent my teen years in the 90's. The song is pretty much summed up in the lines "And we don't even know/just where our bones will rest/to dust i guess."

1 comment:

dahippo said...

dude. best music videos are done by michel gondry just because of sheer trippy factor. that man is one twisted genius.