Friday, August 17, 2007

Mandy Moore's Umbrella

aka How "Annoying" got bumped up a notch.

"Man when I heard that Umbrella song.. I was just like "that really is something"... Annoying lyrics, annoying melody, SUPER annoying chorus... it's a guaranteed commercial success! But.. the thing is.... Rihanna just isn't ANNOYING enough. It's just.. she doesn't live up to the rest of the song. I mean the concept is gold, repeating "umbrella -ella -ella -ella" like she's pretending to be her own echo? Hell that's more annoying than paying 2% royalties to my "artists". LOL. It's just... I felt the execution was lacking.

The second I heard it, I knew. I knew that I had a shot to make an irritating song into the most bothersome song ever. So, I called up the most annoying singer I had access to, and essentially turned the song into a melencholy ballad. I cut out all the less annoying hip hop synthed beats and put in a god-awful acoustic guitar and bass/drums from an 80's ktv machine. I told Mandy Moore her parents died right before recording to give her a slight "sad" sort of emotion, or something. THEN to top it off, I made the backup vocals for the chorus male singers! Then I kicked them in the balls repeatedly to get a slightly "hurt" tone out of them. I am confident that I have helped in the creation of the most annoying song ever."

- Mandy Moore's Songwriter/Manager

I fucking dare you to click here.

1 comment:

dahippo said...

omg. why the hell did i click that. i REALLY freakin' hate that song. it's evil.