Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel

Song: "Solsbury Hill"
Artist: Peter Gabriel
Album: Peter Gabriel (1977)
Genre: Folk Rock

One of my music quirks is that I love listening to music that matches the weather, like listening to a gloomy Damien Rice song on a cold overcast winter day or The Killers "Sam's Town"cd as dawn is breaking. This song is like instant spring sunrise and so very bright and shiny, so definately give it a listen. Peter Gabriel, in this song especially, is very Phil Collins-esque. I can totally see this in a Disney animated movie about animals beginning their journey to find themselves. Another cool thing about this song is that in every verse, Peter Gabriel adds another instrument.

So yes, give this song a spin.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Classic Rock from 21st Century TV

Happy MLK day! More TV music, this time courtesy of October Road (starring Bryan Greenburg --- the only good part of One Tree Hill)! I watched the whole first season (only 6 episodes) over winter break and it's been helping me expand my classic rock music collection. Every now and then (and then some more), retro is good.

Note: Click the song titles to go to zshare and spin a listen.

Song: "Don't Look Back"
Artist: Boston
Album: Don't Look Back (1978)

This is the stuff Guitar Hero is made of, even though it's never been on Guitar Hero. Whatever. Minor detail.

Song: "The Boys Are Back In Town"
Artist: Thin Lizzy
Album: Jailbreak (1976)

I really don't know what to say. It's classic. It's rock. It's fun. And it's a little cheesy. Yay cheesy fun!

Song: "Flagpole Sitta"
Arist: Harvey Danger
Album: Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone? (1998)

Okay, so this one is actually not classic rock, but it follows the trend of the other songs. If you watch October Road, a fun part of the show is how the main characters have their own air band. So these last three songs have all been songs that they have air banded on the show.

Song: "That's The Way (I'm Only Trying To Help You)"
Artist: Culture Club
Album: Colour by Numbers (1983)

You have no idea how hard it was for me to get this song. And because I'm so proud to finally have it in my possession, I'm spreading the love. It's just Boy George, Helen Terry, a piano, and awesomeness.

Song: "Every Rose Has Its Thorns"
Artist: Poison
Album: Open Up And Say... Ahh! (1988)

Did I mention cheesy fun yet? I think it should be a rule that every music collection must have at least one song from a hair metal band (or the more P.C. version: glam metal). I just happen to have several, because... well... it's hair metal!

Song: "Oregon"
Artist: Dan Zweben
Genre: Folk/Rock

Of all of these songs, this would be the one I would most recommend you guys to check out because he is of the up-and-coming whereas Boston, Thin Lizzy, Culture Club... they've already made their mark on the world. "Oregon" is in a much different vein from these other songs; all modern and folk-rocky. Dan Zweben is more Jeremy Fisher, less REO Speedwagon (which is, incidentally, another song featured on October Road). So yes, check out it out.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yael Naim (it's not a typo)

Okay so I know someone's gonna eventually post about this so I think i'll post it before everyone else does just to be a jerk. I don't even recommend this song, I'm just doing this so no one else can post about it.

So Apple's hyping up their new thin-as-sin Macbook Air; and inevitably Apple has to be a big jerk and release another generic white-background-with-only-hands commercial that has a ridiculously-catchy-yet-completely-unrelated-song playing in the background. THIS time, Wikipedia has informed me that it's a song called New Soul by some French Israeli artist by the name of Yael Naim. It's pretty catchy, I'll just post the mv cuz i don't have the song on my computer.

If you check out her myspace linked above... you can listen to her cover of Toxic! yes.. THE toxic. Bspears Toxic. It's interesting

On a final note I'm not looking forward to seeing all the annoying Mac nuthuggers with their new Macbooks swarming every Starbucks so they can sip on their java and let people watch them write their novelle. GR

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Karmina-The Kiss

I've been doing some cleaning of my music library latelyyy...and I always come across songs that I never remember downloading or where/why I found them in the first place.

One of these songs is by a band called Karmina, who are two sisters:Kelly & Kamille...hahah, yet again. I guess i just really like my girly music. I found their website...but perhaps it's blocked in i'll check again in the states. so I havn't been able to get that much info on them. But so far i found out that they've only come out with an EP with 5 tracks. One of the sisters sang with Josh Groban? And they've won some vocal competitions before...oh yea...they've won 27 times. Anyways the only song I've got from them "The Kiss".


Au Revoir Simone

I think I mentioned Au Revoir Simone earlier but I just need to show these two videos.

Fallen Snow

and Sad Song. (For some reason it won't let me embed this.)

I love them.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Amazing Andrew Bird

Seeing Nicole's post about Imogen Heap inspired me to post about Andrew Bird. Mr. Bird is actually an alumni of Northwestern's music school. Pretty cool huh? I was introduced to Andrew Bird by my current roommate, but last year. He's seriously amazing. All of his songs are done by recording 10-15 second clips, and then playing over them with a new lick (thus reminding me of the video Nicole posted). Using violin. And his voice. And whistling. And whatever else you can think of. He came to my school last year... its even better live. If you can scoop up tickets do it. Seriously amazing.

I'm posting two links to two different songs of his. My favorite song is "Nervous Tic Motion of My Head to the Left" but the video of "Palindromes" shows his technique better. He steps on this machine's pedals to cue the different recording tracks.

Enjoy! I'm going to bed, I've been doing sorority rush all week... sigh.

Nervous Tic...

PS Bonnaroo is this HUGE music festival held in the Midwest. Check it out, it may seem a little expensive, but its worth it. Concerts all day long. Tons of hippies everywhere. I don't know if that's necessarily a selling point.

Monday, January 14, 2008


SO Incubus AND Nine Inch Nails are gonna be in Bei-fucking-Jing this Spring which is just fantastic. But instead of being a negative nancy and moping, i've been checking out who's gonna be coming to DC this semester and RADIOHEAD is coming to DC! WoohOO

Here's a live recording they did with steady cams taped to bicycle helmets that they wore on their heads. Radiohead recently released a physical copy of their previously digitally released album In Rainbows and it's at the top of the charts (for now). I downloaded their B-side for the album and i'm working through that right now, it's pretty good and a couple tracks are really trippy.

I've been relistening to a lot of their stuff and oh em gee. it's like you go out and listen to a bunch of other music cuz you want to find somethign new, but then you forget how ridiculously sweet the music you have already is. I got this song stuck in my head, it's got this really cool drum/bass line and some really trippy lyrics about getting lost in forests and sinking ships and shit.

On a seperate note my Spring Break is March 17-22! anyone else have the same one?

Friday, January 11, 2008

"Just For Now" by Imogen Heap

I was directed to this by a college friend the other day. If you're an Imogen Heap fan, you have probably already seen this. It's Imogen Heap singing her song "Just For Now", live and acappella. This is clear proof Imogen Heap is a genius. She is freakin' harmonizing with herself! This is beyond multi-tasking. It's just jaw-dropping. I don't understand how she manages to do it.

Grab the original song here.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Song 4 Tricia (Princes & Frogs)" by Superchick

Song: Song 4 Tricia (Princes & Frogs)
Artist: Superchick, formerly known as Superchic[k]
Album: Last One Picked (2002)
Genre: Pop/Rock

A short and sweet song that I found while browsing through multiply. It's 1:45 minutes of cuteness, although I would really love if it was longer.

Note: Tricia is one of the two lead singers for Superchick (Melissa Brock being the other one), but this is actually sung by their bassist Matt Dally.

Download here.

It looks like my wishes were granted. I did some digging around and I found a longer version from Superchick's remix album, Regeneration. It's not quite as charming as the original, but that doesn't make it less awesome.
Superchick - Princes & Frogs (Underdog Mix)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rough Idea

Really really rough. So far it looks kind funny. Thoughts?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Spring Awakening

This is music-related, right?

I haven't seen a Broadway in a really long time and I've been wanting to see "Spring Awakening" ever since I saw the highlights for last year's Tony Awards. So last week, my mom went to the city and scored us two awesome seats for today's matinee. Anyways, "Spring Awakening" is set in 1890s Germany, and it is about teenagers trying to deal with all those typical teen issues (sexuality, homosexuality, abuse, suicide, all that fun stuff) in a society that refuses to acknowledge anything of that sort. Did that make any sense? It's a pretty straightforward plot for a complicated play. Aaand it won 8 Tony Awards last year. Impressive, no?

Guys, this show is amazing, if but a little awkward to watch with my mom since it's pretty forward, i.e. mimicking masturbation and sex on stage --- and not in the way that Avenue Q does it. The only complaint I have is that the main guy spat every word (he was like a human sprinkler) and that was a little gross, but that's besides the point. Bottom line: "Spring Awakening" is pretty damn awesome. All the actors are incredibly talented (and ridiculously young, most of them are around our age and at least one of them is still in HS) and the music is phenomenal. Duncan Sheik wrote the music!!! I love Duncan Sheik. "On A High" is one of my favorite songs ever. I bought the cd (of course, damn my cd addiction) and so if you guys would like any songs, leave a comment.

Below I've posted two videos, courtesy of youtube. Check them out. You won't be disappointed.

The Tony Awards performance that hooked me in, featuring a medley of "Mama Who Bore Me", "The Bitch Of Living", and my personal favorite "Totally Fucked".

"Touch Me" on The View
(this is a really pretty song)

Spring Awakening - Official Site
If you guys are in New York, go see it.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


SO, we need a bg, website revamp.

Who's going to design some saweet image to put on the background?

I'm coming up with one, but I think more options = better.